If you do not see ServiceTitan jobs showing up in Pep, please ensure that the following criteria have been met prior to reaching out for troubleshooting assistance:
Job Type must be Painting Estimate (CCC)
Customer must have email, phone number, & address
Salesperson/Technician must be assigned (they have to be listed as a managed technician in your account)
Pep FAQs:
Updated eBids in Pep will pull over as a second estimate in ServiceTitan.
Signed/Accepted eBids in Pep will mark the estimate as sold in ServiceTitan.
Dismissed eBids in Pep will remove the estimate from the job in ServiceTitan.
Painting Project is the job type that should be used when booking the actual painting job from the sold estimate in ServiceTitan. Refer to Booking the Painting Project
If you do not have the ability to choose the "Painting Project" Job Type, please take a look at your Employee & Technician profiles to make sure you do not have a Business Unit assigned. Business Units should not be assigned to Employees as this is a very restrictive behavior.