Adding a Deposit to Pricebook
How to create a deposit line item template in Service Titan
Here is a video on How To Add A Deposit.
Go to Pricebook on the top bar of Service Titan
The first page that will load is the “Services” tab.
Click the blue button that says “Add Service” on the upper right hand side of the screen
On the next screen, you’ll fill in the empty fields:
Code (ex. DEP)
Name (ex. Deposit)
Description (ex. Deposit for production job)
Leave the price field at $0.00
Select the correct General Ledger Account
Click save
How to apply the deposit you just built to an invoice
Locate the job you want to apply the deposit to.
On the top bar of Service Titan, click the magnifying glass icon.
In the drop down menu on the left side, select “Job”. Enter any relevant information about the job like customer name, etc. to help narrow the results.
Click the green magnifying glass next to the drop down menu to bring up the results.
Click on the blue job number to go to the job page.
Once on the job page, click on the black text below the Invoice header, shown here:
On the Invoice Page, click “Add a Task” from the left side menu options, shown here:
On the Add a Task screen, there is a field to enter the name of your task (DEP in this case).
Select the DEP code and under unit price, add the deposit amount ($2,500 in this case).
Click save.
The Invoice will now reflect a paid deposit of $2,500, as seen below: